
AmeriKids Preschool

PSC 513, Box 8
FPO, AP  96515
528-6300 Ext:  2709

CrayonbuttonAbout Us CrayonbuttonProgram CrayonbuttonPolicies
CrayonbuttonPhilosophy & Mission Statement CrayonbuttonMeet the Teachers
CrayonbuttonLinks for the Board of Directors
CrayonbuttonParent Board of Directors CrayonbuttonTake a Tour CrayonbuttonLinks for Community Info.
CrayonbuttonCalendar of Activities CrayonbuttonStudent Work CrayonbuttonLinks for Parents & Teachers
CrayonbuttonSpecial Events CrayonbuttonCurriculum Guidelines CrayonbuttonLinks for Kids

greenbutton    Created 12/10/2003   
greenbutton    Last Update 1/12/2004    greenbutton  
greenbutton    Contact our webmaster, Amy Barnes, with web-related questions or comments:   greenbutton

            Please be advised that the AmeriKids Preschool web page is authored and maintained by a volunteer member of the Parent Board of Directors.  While every effort is
 made to ensure this site is checked regularly for accurate and appropriate content, we cannot guarentee that you will consider all the information or links contained

in this site to be appropriate for your family.

                                                                                   Copyright 1999-2000 by Theda Fritz