Policies and Procedures


CrayonbuttonIllness CrayonbuttonDeparture CrayonbuttonField Trips
CrayonbuttonCommunication CrayonbuttonNutrition CrayonbuttonAbsences CrayonbuttonRecycling Program
CrayonbuttonSpecial Activities & Celebrations
CrayonbuttonFootwear & Clothing
CrayonbuttonEmergency Drills
CrayonbuttonSpecial Needs
CrayonbuttonSunscreen & Repellent
CrayonbuttonDays of Operation
CrayonbuttonFinancial Operations
CrayonbuttonParent Conferences & Participation
CrayonbuttonSafety Awareness
CrayonbuttonNap CrayonbuttonLiability Insurance
CrayonbuttonChild Abuse
CrayonbuttonToilet Training
CrayonbuttonHealth & Hygiene
CrayonbuttonArrival CrayonbuttonToys CrayonbuttonDrop-Ins

CrayonbuttonWeb Publishing

       Assessment is done by careful observation of individual children.  Children tell us what they
have learned in their dramatic play, in the games they play, in the conversations they have with their
peers, teachers, and parents, in the questions they ask, and in their art work.  The Teacher uses a
portfolio system to compile observations illustrating developmental milestones, work samples, and
photographs.  Developmental checklists may also be used.  Parents will be provided with periodic
written reports.
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         Communication with parents about the specifics of their child’s day may be sent home daily in the
form of a check-list or note.  Additional information about the week’s activities and reminders of
upcoming events will be sent home weekly.  E-mail memos may also be used.
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Special Activities and Celebrations

Celebration of holidays will be part of the preschool program.  Fridays are “Activity Days,”
which usually involve activities such as water play, having lunch at the Seafront Club, going on a field
trip, or inviting Mom and Dad to the classroom for a special celebration.  Please refer to the school’s
Calendar of Activities
for specific scheduling information.

AmeriKids will also provide each child with a birthday cake on his or her birthday.  Parents
should consult teachers concerning in-school birthday celebrations.

            On field trips, chaperones and drivers will be sought to maintain a one adult to three children
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Special Needs

Children with special needs are welcome at AmeriKids Preschool provided they can be
mainstreamed and do not require an unusual amount of attention from the teaching staff.  Students
with special needs must also be developmentally able to adapt to the classroom environment.

Occasionally, a child with a temporary or chronic health condition that does not preclude
attendance at the preschool may need special attention, such as administration of medication or
restriction from certain kinds of activities.  Parents are responsible for informing the teachers of
any special health concerns such as allergies, and working out with the teachers (and if appropriate, the Board of Directors) satisfactory procedures for handling the situation.  In general, teachers will not administer medication, however, parents may contact the medical unit for the dispensing of medication.

        Written instruction from a parent, dietitian, or physician are needed for a medically required
 special diet.
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Parent Conferences, Concerns, & Participation
         Two formal parent/teacher conferences are scheduled per year to discuss each child's social,
emotional, cognitive, physical, and verbal development.  Conference time is an opportunity for parents
and teachers to exchange thoughts about the child's experiences at school and at home. Parents may
access their child’s file and ask questions and share information with teachers at any time.  Throughout
the year, parents should not hesitate to schedule a conference with the teacher if a concern or question

The primary purpose of the AmeriKids Preschool is to provide quality early childhood education
for each child enrolled in the school.  Every effort is made to recognize each child's abilities and to
create a caring environment where children can grow and develop.  Parents are always encouraged to
share information with teachers regarding their child's experiences at home.  Many things can have an
effect on a child's day at the school, such as, a new pet, a birthday, sleeping poorly, relatives visiting,
or a parent out of town.  In addition, parents are welcome to discuss any concerns they might have about
their child's day at the school.

          Personal information about children and families is considered confidential.  If, for any reason, a
parent is concerned about their child's well being, it is recommended that they first discuss this with the
child's teacher.  If the issue is a serious one, or if the parent prefers, he or she may choose to bring the
matter to the attention of the Chair of the Board of Directors. 

          Parents are welcome at any time.  Sharing lunch time with the children or participating in field
trips are popular choices.  Two or three times a year, the school hosts luncheons and/or potluck meals.
Parents are invited to bring their other children and immediate family to these events.  Each family may
be asked to contribute a dish to share.  School children regard these as exciting times to see each other’s
siblings and parents.

          Parents are strongly urged to participate in on-going efforts to keep the school a first-rate
preschool program.  For example, help is periodically needed on fundraising projects, special workdays,
committee activities and parent meetings.  Designated workdays, usually a Saturday, may be used for
special projects, like painting, building lofts or other structures, and carrying out other improvement
projects for the school.
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          Discipline will be consistent and constructive in nature.  The primary method of dealing with
inappropriate behavior is to redirect the child's attention to another focus.  The teacher will use
 “time-outs” as necessary.  In the event of a significant behavioral problem, the parents may be required
to take the child home and a parent-teacher meeting will be scheduled to resolve the issue.  A child whose unresolved behavior and/or emotional problems are detrimental to the welfare of the other children will
be asked to withdraw temporarily or permanently.

All children are encouraged to talk things out with other children when settling a dispute. Adults
will tell children to "use words," "tell him/her that you don't like that,"
etc.  In keeping with this
philosophy of trying to resolve conflicts peacefully, toy weapons are not permitted in the AmeriKids

 When children are having difficulty dealing with other children, such as hitting or biting, and
redirection is not successful; they are removed from the situation by an adult and spend a period of time
sitting quietly:  time-out.  When the child is ready to communicate, reasons are given for their temporary
exclusion from the group.  Corporal punishment is a method of discipline we would never choose at the
AmeriKids Preschool.


 Biting is common for toddler-aged children and is considered a normal developmental stage for
some children.  However, biting behavior is unacceptable and steps will be taken to prevent and reduce
the number of biting incidents.  Teachers will design the classroom to reduce toddler frustration and to
give the children choices.  Teachers will help children work on building verbal skills and using words to
express feelings and solve disputes.

 If a child is bitten, the teacher will wash the area with soap and warm water, and ice will be
applied if indicated.  On the rare occasion that the bite breaks the skin, the child will be taken to the
Medical Unit and parents will be notified.  An incident report will be written as with any injury requiring
first aid.  The "biter" will be told firmly that biting is not okay and that it hurts people.  We also
encourage the child who was bitten to express his feelings to the child who bit.

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Health and Hygiene
          Some of the measures taken to prevent illness are:

      1. Diapers are changed soon after they have been wetted or soiled;
      2. After use, disposable diapers and wipes are wrapped and disposed of promptly;
      3.   Containers for diapers are emptied and sanitized daily;
      4.  After diapering or toileting a child the child's hands are washed;
      5.  All children and staff members are required to wash their hands after toileting and before eating;
      6.  Staff members wash their hands after diapering or toileting each child;
      7.  Bathroom fixtures, door knobs, floors, cubbies, table surfaces, musical instruments, and plastic toys are disinfected with Lysol Disinfecting Spray daily;
      8. Bedding will be sent home to be washed when soiled;
      9. AmeriKids Preschool is a smoke-free environment;
      10.  Keep your child’s immunizations up to date and a current copy of his/her immunization record should be on file at the medical unit;
      11. Paper towels and liquid soap are provided in our rest room at all times;
      12. Children are prevented from sharing straws, drinks, and utensils;
      13. Children are prevented from biting from the same piece of snack;
      14. Washable items such as puppets, art smocks, and pillow covers are sent home monthly (or more frequently if necessary) to be laundered while other items such as the drapes are sent home for laundering every six months.
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          Childhood illness is inevitable. However, in group child care situations, certain guidelines are
followed to lessen the spread of contagious illness among children and staff.  Some conditions require
that a child be excluded from school. 
No child shall be admitted if in the opinion of the teacher or a
medical professional the child is too ill to be in school. This includes the following signs and symptoms:

    1. The ill child is unable to take part comfortably in regular activities;
    2. The ill child needs care that significantly interferes with staff members’ ability to provide appropriate care for other children;
    3. The child has signs or symptoms of a possible serious condition.

        A child or staff member diagnosed by a medical professional as having any of the following diseases shall be excluded from the day care setting until a medical professional indicates that it is safe for him or her to return:

Bacterial meningitis, E.coli, Shigella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidiosis, Salmonella, Giardia, Haemophilus Infulenzae type b, Coxsackie Virus with fever and behavior change, Polio, Impetigo, Diphtheria, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B with weeping skin, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis (whooping cough), Ringworm, Rubella (german measles), Streptococcal infection, including scarlet fever, strep throat, Tuberculosis (active)

        A child or staff member diagnosed as having the following conditions shall be excluded until indicated below:

    1. lice: may return after appropriate treatment is completed;
    2. scabies, pinworm infection, ringworm infection: may return 24 hours after treatment is initiated;
    3. Chickenpox: after no new lesions are erupting and all old lesions are crusted and dry;

        A child or staff member who has the following symptoms shall be excluded from the school setting until the symptoms disappear or until otherwise indicated by a medical professional:

    1. Thick, white or yellow/green discharge from eyes;
    2. Ear drainage;
    3. Diarrhea- loose or watery bowel movement that cannot be contained in diaper or toilet or five or more loose or watery bowel movements in an 8 hour period;
    4. Sores in mouth or nose;
    5. Vomiting: 2 or more episodes in previous 24 hours;
    6. Severe coughing (child gets red/blue in the face or produces whooping or croup noise after cough);
    7. Purulent conjunctivitis (pink eye);
    8. Jaundice: yellowing of the skin or white part of eye;
    9. Fever greater than 100 F. axillary or 101 F. orally or 102 F rectally;
    10. Rash with fever or behavior change.

 Other symptoms of possible severe illness include lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty with breathing, persistent abdominal pain, unusual or severe rash.  There may be additional reasons for a child to remain at home.  If your child is too ill to go outside during the day, the child is too ill to be at school.  

If your child is sent home with a fever, they must be fever free without medication before returning to school. Please consider that the child is in a group setting and his or her illness affects other children and teachers. 

 If a child should become ill or seriously injured at school, parents will be notified immediately and required to pick up the child as soon as possible.  Any child who requires immediate medical attention will be taken to the Medical Unit at Seafront, using the permission on the Medical Treatment Consent form.  Conditions requiring immediate care include:  those listed in the school’s illness policy as well as
marked difficulty in breathing, convulsions, unconsciousness, significant lacerations, possible broken limbs and head traumas. 

It is necessary that AmeriKids has telephone numbers where the parents can be reached at all times.  If the parent is going to be where he/she cannot be reached, it is necessary that the people listed as emergency contacts will be available.  In case of simple injury (scrapes, splinters, etc.) the school staff will perform routine hygienic measures and basic first aid.

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          Parents are strongly encouraged to offer their child a nutritious and filling breakfast every
morning before arriving at school.  Parents are expected to send a balanced lunch for their child each day
with water provided by the school.  This lunch should have a variety of choices representing several food
groups.  A minimum of one choice from the fruit and vegetable group is strongly recommended.  Uneaten
food will usually be repacked so you may monitor what your child is actually eating at lunch time.
Refrigeration is available for storage.  Foods may be heated before serving in microwaveable containers,
if desired by parents and/or children. 

 A morning snack is also scheduled.  Parents are expected to send a nutritious snack for their child
each day.  The school encourages low-sugar, low-sodium food.  Gum, candy, and soda are not permitted.  It
is special for a child to bring a snack to share from time to time.  We are aware that parents may differ in what they feel are appropriate foods for their children.  Some popular special snacks are bagels, muffins,
fruit, vegetables, and cheese.  Feel free to ask teachers for other suggestions.

Research shows that force-feeding by any means is detrimental to children’s attitudes toward food
and it will not be used at any time.  Children will not be required to "clean their plates." 

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Footwear & Clothing 
          Certain types of footwear can be dangerous to young children’s still developing feet and ankles. 
Children need to wear comfortable shoes that promote their ability to walk, run, and play. We
recommend that all children wear flat soled, non-slip shoes that stay on their feet when walking and
running. Shoes such as flip-flops, platforms, and clogs without a back strap can be dangerous when
running and jumping. Patent leather “party” shoes also pose a hazard, as their soles are not treaded and
they are slippery.

        Children will participate in many activities throughout the day that will probably soil their
clothing.  Children should be dressed in comfortable, play clothing.  We encourage children to feel
free to experiment with and experience different "messy" tactile activities without feeling nervous
about spotting their clothes.

 Please anticipate seasonal weather changes by keeping appropriate clothes in the cubby.  Extra
clothes are also needed in case of toilet accidents or if clothes get wet in an activity.  Please be sure
that all clothing and belongings are labeled with the child's name.

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Sunscreen and Insect Repellent
          We ask that parents please apply children’s sunscreen and/or insect repellent before coming to
school.  Almost all sunscreens and insect repellents are effective for 4-8 hours, which means each child
will be protected through morning outside time.  Neither sunscreen nor insect repellent will be applied to
any child who does not bring them from home.
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Safety Awareness
          All items that pose a possible danger to children are kept completely out of reach.  Specifically,
scissors, staplers, staple guns, refill staples, thumb tacks, safety pins, cleaning supplies, sharp objects of
any kind, and small objects that could be choked on are not kept on table tops or in desk drawers, but
rather inside the storage cabinets, on the top shelves, and behind latched doors.

Latex Balloons

           Based on information obtained from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), latex
balloons are not allowed at school for any purpose.  According to the CPSC, more children have suffocated
on uninflated balloons and pieces of broken balloons than on any other type of toy and latex balloons are
not for children under 8 years old.

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Child Abuse
          Teachers are mandated by law to report any suspected cases of child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse.  Any person who fails to report suspected cases is subject to criminal penalties and civil liability.  In suspected cases, a report will be filed with the Medical Unit and Regional Security Officer and an investigation will be conducted.        

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          The school opens at 8:30 a.m.  The teachers arrive early to prepare activities, however they are
not open for child care before 8:30.  Children should arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 am.  Children should
be delivered to the classroom by a parent/guardian/designated individual.  They may not be dropped off
outside the building at any time.

 Parents should check in with teachers to let them know the child is present and to share any
information they should have for the day, especially permission for another person to pick up a child,
a different emergency number where the parent can be reached, or any other comments.   

 It is common for a child to have difficulty separating from his/her parent in the morning.  There
are several steps a parent can take to ease separation.

    1. Talk with your child about school before you come;
    2. When you leave, it is important to tell your child that you are leaving, and that you will come back to pick him/her up;
    3. Help your child to become interested in an activity;
    4. Talk about what will happen in your child's day;
    5. Try to keep arrival consistent by following the same routine every day. Young children  appreciate knowing what will happen next;
    6. Do not hesitate to ask a teacher for assistance when your child is having trouble separating.  They will be happy to assist and offer suggestions.

 The teachers are prepared and able to help a child deal with separating from his/her parents.  
Also, parents should feel free to call during the day to see how their child is doing.  The teachers are
always  happy to help in any way they can to ease in the transition to preschool.


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          Pick-up time is 1:00 pm.  The closing time should be observed conscientiously.  It can be frightening for a child when a parent is late, and it is difficult for the teachers to close the school.  At all children will be ready to leave.  A late fee of $5.00 will be charged to the next month’s bill for every 15 minutes that the child is picked up after 1:15 pm.  A parent or designated individual must contact the preschool if an unavoidable late pick-up time is foreseen.  If a parent is late and has not called, the staff will begin calling emergency numbers.  A late fee will not be charged in the event of an emergency.

 A child will be released only to his or her parent, legal guardian, yaya, or driver unless prior
arrangements have been made with the AmeriKids staff authorizing release to other specified individuals.  Children will not be released to siblings or other children under the age of 14 unless approved by the
Board of Directors.

At the end of the day, every child's cubby should be checked for messages, lunch boxes, soiled
clothes and artwork.  Teachers need to be informed when a child is going home for the day.

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          Teachers should be informed when a child will not be at school.
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Emergency Drills
         Fire and Emergency Drills will be practiced on a regular basis. There are two fire exits: the
back door to the CLO office and the main school door.  Teachers assist children in exiting the building. 
A designated staff member brings the first aid kit.  After exiting the building, everyone goes to the
Club House.  In the case of an actual emergency, help is called on the phone located in the Club House.
Attendance is taken.
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Days of Operation
     The school is open from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with the exception of designated school holidays.  Please refer to the school’s Calendar of Activities.   During stormy weather the school shall observe the following signals. 

Signal Number 1:  School is in session;
Signal Number 2:  School is closed if other public and private schools are closed.  If they are
open,  we’re open;

Signals Number 3 and 4:
  School is closed!

The determination to close school shall be made by the Board Chair in consultation with the Teacher
as early in the morning as possible.  In the event that school is canceled, the Teacher shall be responsible
for calling the parent whose name is first on the Contact List.  At that point, the phone tree system will
take effect and each parent is responsible for notifying the parent whose name is beneath their own on
the Contact List.  If a parent cannot be reached, the Teacher must be notified immediately so that she
may continue contact efforts.

If the students are already in school, they will remain there until the streets are clear and it is
safe for them to go home.  When weather conditions make traveling difficult, parents will need to use
their best judgment.  Extra travel time should be allowed when coming to pick up children and understand
that road conditions may impact the arrival of staff members at school.

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          All children are encouraged to rest or nap at some point during the day.  Usually, that time will be after lunch.  Each child should bring his or her own blanket and pillow from home for rest/nap time.  If a child has an attachment toy or blanket, he/she may want to bring these as well.
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Toilet Training
          Teachers are willing and able to help with toilet training.  Parents should communicate with teachers regarding specific toilet training procedures used for their child.  The teachers will follow standard hygienic practices and assist youngsters in learning proper hygiene.  Parents must supply disposable diapers, wet wipes and any necessary ointments/powder.  Both potties and a regular toilet are available for the children’s use.         
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          Toys, dolls, and books from home are not encouraged because young children often have difficulty when other children want to play with their toys "from home".  Toys that children do bring to school, such as attachment toys, are kept in the child's cubby until needed.  There are some special occasions which are exceptions such as “show and tell” or when otherwise arranged in advance with the teacher.               
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Field Trips
          Occasionally the school takes field trips.  These are usually trips to explore the community – the zoo, the children’s museum, historical landmarks, and a variety of other places.  An appropriate ratio of adults to children is always maintained.  If car/van field trips are taken, parents will be informed in advance, asked to sign a specific permission slip, and encouraged to participate.  Parents are always welcome on field trips and we will ask for parent volunteers to drive their vehicles on field trips or act as chaperones when necessary.                    
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Recycling Program
          The school supports a “Trash for Cash” recycling program through which the teachers and children raise funds to pay for special activities such as pizza parties.  Each year, the teacher will circulate a request for recyclable materials such as clean and dry aluminum cans, magazines, and plastic bottles/containers.  The teacher will specify which day of the week shall be designated as recycling day
so that recyclables may be brought to school on that particular day.  This is an important day to note
since recyclables may not be stored in the classroom and storage space outside the classroom is limited.

 The children participate in the program by removing the tabs from aluminum cans for donation
to charities which make wheelchair parts out of the recycled material.  They also assist a teacher with
crushing the aluminum cans.

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           During swimming activities, there must always be one teacher for every three students in the pool.  At the time of this publication, only children with memberships to the American Recreation Club
(ARC) are permitted use of the swimming pool.  In order to include swimming activities in the school's program, extra liability coverage must be purchased and maintained with Clements International.
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Financial Operations

Deposits, Fees, and Tuition

 Tuition is due on the first business day of each month and must be paid in cash, U.S. dollars, and in exact change.  Payments should be placed in an envelope marked with the child’s name and given to any  member of the Board of Directors. 

          There will be no refunds or credit given for holidays or other days missed during the month.  A 10% late fee will be charged for tuition payments not made by the 5th of any month.  The parents will receive a written notice that payment of the full tuition plus 10% late fee must be paid by the 14th of the month or the late fee will be raised to 20%.  Potential enrollees are granted one free trial day before the full payment of tuition and fees is expected. Deposit payments shall be applied toward the last month’s tuition upon the child’s departure from post or otherwise cancels his/her enrollment.  Registration fees are non-refundable.

          For current deposit, fee, and tuition information, please contact the school:

AmeriKids Preschool
PSC 513, Box 8
FPO, AP  96515
528-6300 ext:  2709


 Parents wishing to withdraw their child are required to give the preschool one month’s notice in writing.  The family will be responsible for tuition the entire month from the day of such notice, regardless
of whether the child attends school during that period.  If a family is required to leave
Manila on short notice, the family is responsible for one month’s tuition from the time of written notice.

Extended Absence

        If a child will be absent for at least a full month, a slot for the child may be retained by payment of 50% of the child’s regular monthly tuition.  For periods of absence shorter than that time, the full amount of tuition must be paid in order to hold his or her slot.


       The business of AmeriKids Preschool is conducted primarily in U.S. dollars.  Tuition is paid in U.S. dollars, in cash, and in exact change.  The teachers’ salaries, as well as much of the school’s equipment and supplies, are also paid for in dollars and in many cases, in cash.  In addition, the school’s checking account with the State Department Federal Credit Union (SDFCU) is based in the  and operates in dollars.  Checks from the SDFCU are written infrequently, usually to pay for the school’s annual liability insurance premium and on occasion, to reimburse a Board member for supplies ordered online and paid for with a credit card in U.S. dollars.

          Although much of the school’s business is conducted in dollars, the Philippine peso is also frequently used to pay for materials and supplies bought locally.  Some products and services, such as our teachers’ annual health insurance premiums, can only be paid for in pesos.  When pesos are needed, U.S. dollars are withdrawn from the school’s Dollar Petty Cash account and exchanged for pesos at the bank. 

Transaction Records

       Transaction records, including all deposits and debits, must be recorded in a board approved financial software program such as Quicken.  Using financial software assists tremendously in the
record keeping process and facilitates the generation of many different types of financial reports.

          Transaction records must be maintained for each account:  the SDFCU checking account, the Peso Petty Cash account, and the Dollar Petty Cash account. 


At the beginning of each new school year, the Board will provide the Teacher with a monthly budget amount with which to purchase all necessary instructional materials and supplies.  Single purchases over $50 (or the equivalent in pesos) require written board approval.

When needed, the Treasurer may provide cash for the purchase of Board-approved school
materials and supplies up-front.  Typically, however, purchases are made on a reimbursable basis
upon the provision of receipts.

Account Balance Limits

The minimum SDFCU checking account balance limit is $3,000 or 3-4 months operational
Since the school does not have check cashing privileges at the embassy bank, a good
rule of thumb is to always keep enough cash on hand in both the Dollar Petty Cash account and the
Peso Petty Cash account to pay for one month’s salaries and supplies.  This avoids potential inconveniences and problems with not having enough cash on hand to make the aforementioned


       When the amount of cash on hand in the Dollar Petty Cash account exceeds the amount of one
month’s salaries and supplies, and no other major expenses are expected in the near future, a deposit
to the SDFCU checking account should be made.  This is done by purchasing a cashier’s check from the embassy bank, completing a SDFCU checking account deposit slip, and mailing both the cashier’s check and the deposit slip the SDFCU.


       Documentation for all funds incoming and outgoing shall be provided in the form of a written receipt.  Receipts for all purchases of Board-approved equipment, supplies, and materials are maintained by the Treasurer and are required for reimbursement. 


       Teachers and Board members will be reimbursed for Board-approved, school-related expenses
as well as for the purchase of Board-approved, school-related equipment, toys, materials, and/or supplies.  Receipts documenting the purchased item or service provided, total amount, location, and
date are required for reimbursement.


       AmeriKids Preschool is very fortunate to receive donations and gifts from generous members
of our community.  Since most donations are made at the AmeriKids classroom and in the presence of
the teaching staff, it is necessary that the teachers notify the Board of Directors of all donations promptly.  This enables the Board to formally thank the donor(s) as well as record the donated item(s) in the Physical Inventory.       

Physical Inventory

       A Physical Inventory of the property owned by the AmeriKids Preschool, including classroom furniture, electronics, toys and equipment, etc. should be conducted annually by the Treasurer and
updated as needed.  To the extent possible, dollar values should be assigned to each item. 

The purposes for maintaining an accurate Physical Inventory include preventing the
unnecessary duplication of equipment, toys, materials, and supplies; assisting the teachers and the
Board in identifying the school’s toy and equipment needs; differentiating property owned by the AmeriKids Preschool from that owned by the mission; as well as for insurance purposes.    

Maintenance of Space

       Regulations allow the mission to pay for some limited maintenance of the classroom.  Generally, the mission will pay for repairs that fall within the “fair wear and tear” category such
as flooring problems, faulty plumbing, electrical problems, etc.  When such a repair is needed, the
teaching staff should notify the Chair of the Board of Directors, or another Board member if the
Chair cannot be reached, so that a completed Facility Maintenance Request Form may be submitted to the Facility Maintenance Office as soon as possible.

          Similarly, the Property and Supply Office is willing to supply the school with limited furniture and appliances.  When a classroom need is noted, a completed Property/Supply Request Form should be submitted to the Property and Supply Office by a member of the Board.

          Any maintenance, property, or supplies not provided by the mission will be expenses incurred by AmeriKids Preschool.
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Liability Insurance
          The school carries liability insurance through Clements International located in WashingtonD.C.  Covered in said policy is replacement cost coverage of school property and general liability coverage to include bodily injury and/or property damage.  Each teacher is provided with liability insurance for up to PhP1 million in the event of legal action arising out of the operation of AmeriKids Preschool.
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Roles and Responsibilities

        The responsibilities of the Teacher, Assistant Teacher, and Teacher’s Aide are varied and include, but are not limited to:

  1. Implementing indoor and outdoor activities that support children’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development;
  2.  Role modeling appropriate communication and interaction skills;
  3.  Extending children’s knowledge of concepts appropriate to their developmental level;
  4.  Teaching children age-appropriate basic skills;
  5.   Preparing the children for formal schooling;
  6.   Supervising children’s daily routines such as meals and personal hygiene.
              Additional responsibilities of the Teacher include:
        1. Communicating with parents regularly regarding the children’s experiences within the  program;
        2.  Evaluating the children’s developmental progress;
        3.  Conducting parent-teacher conferences.

 The Teacher, Assistant Teacher, and Teacher’s Aide will also be responsible for overseeing the school building and grounds.  Daily safety checks of the building and grounds will be conducted.  Any substances or materials not appropriate for handling by or are dangerous to the children attending AmeriKids Preschool will be safely stored out of the children’s reach.  If there is any damage to the
building or grounds or if there are any safety hazards, the Teacher, Assistant Teacher, and/or
Teacher’s Aide will promptly notify the Chair of the AmeriKids Board of Directors.  If the Chair cannot be reached, other Board members will be contacted.

 The Teacher, Assistant Teacher and Teacher’s Aide shall attend those AmeriKids Board meetings that the Board deems necessary.  Additionally, the Teacher, Assistant Teacher, and Teacher’s Aide shall participate in AmeriKids open houses, fund raising events, and related events. 

The Teacher and Assistant Teacher shall maintain a folder for each student enrolled at AmeriKids,
with written evaluations performed two times per school year.  Other evaluation and notations may be
made at the Teacher’s discretion.  The folders remain the property of AmeriKids and will be stored on
the premises.

Other additional responsibilities or changes to the above may be developed during the course of
the school year in consultation with the Board of Directors and the AmeriKids teaching staff.


        Teachers maintain confidentiality for the families at the AmeriKids Preschool.  The children will
not be discussed outside the AmeriKids classroom.

Staff Absences

            If a teacher is ill and unable to come to work, he or she should call the Chair of the Board of Directors by 7:30 am to let him/her know.  If the Chair cannot be reached then it will be necessary
to continue calling members of the Board until one is contacted and informed of the situation.  If a
teacher is unable to work, for whatever other reason (besides illness), the Chair of the Board of
Directors will need to be notified
in advance.

 Staff Selection

 Members of the staff are selected on the basis of educational and work experience with young children.  It is preferred that the Teacher hold a Bachelor's degree, plus have two year's experience with young children in a school setting. The Teacher must be knowledgeable in all areas of child development and must plan and implement developmentally oriented curriculum.  The Teacher is expected to assess and record each child's growth and development.  In addition, he or she should be qualified to supervise and train the Assistant Teacher and Teacher’s Aide effectively.

 As needed, staff openings are advertised.  Resumes are reviewed by the Board of Directors and interviews are scheduled with appropriately qualified candidates.

 Health Exams

           Once an applicant has received an offer for employment, he or she will be required to pass a general physical examination, chest x-ray, complete blood count, routine urinalysis, and a stool examination.  Other tests such as a visual acuity test, dental examination, or other miscellaneous tests
may be required by the Board of Directors. 

 The physical examination shall be conducted by medical service providers designated by the Board of Directors prior to the starting date of employment and annually thereafter.  Such an examination, provided at the Board of Directors’ expense, shall include the physician’s release verifying that the employee is healthy and fit for work.  Examination expenses shall not exceed 600 pesos unless written permission is provided by the Board prior to the examination.  Receipts are required for reimbursement.  Documentation of the exam results and the physician’s release must also be provided to the Board of Directors.

 If the employee’s physical examination reveals evidence of a medical problem and further evaluation or treatment is required, the employee shall pay the cost of the additional tests, treatment, and/or examination.  Employees must pass their physical examinations to maintain employment.

Medical examinations and test results shall be maintained confidentially, however, results may be communicated to others on a need-to-know basis for matters such as decisions regarding continuation of employment.

 Probation Period

        Once an applicant has received an offer of employment and has passed the health exam as described above, he or she may begin working under a probation period lasting two months.  During the two month probation period, new employees will be adequately oriented to the program philosophy, goals, policies, and operating procedures.

 This two month period is also the time during which the Board of Directors decides if the new  employee should continue as a regular member of the staff.  This decision is made based on an assessment of the employee’s work performance, aptitude, attendance, conduct, cooperativeness, and other characteristics which may deem the employee either suitable or unsuitable for the job.  If, at any time during the probation period, the Board of Directors decides that the new employee should not continue as a member of the staff, the Board may terminate his or her employment without notification.  

 Contract for Teaching Services

        If, at the end of the probation period, the Board of Directors decides that the new employee should continue as a member of the staff, the Board will offer the employee a Contract for Teaching Services.  The contract will specify the terms of employment, compensation information, entitlement to personal leave, description of job responsibilities, explanation of liability coverage, and terms of termination.  By signing the contract, both the Board of Directors and the employee agree to the terms specified in the contract.   

 Staff Schedule

          All staff members are required to arrive at school at 8:00 am and stay as late as 1:30 pm to prepare for lessons, communicate with parents, evaluate students, plan for parent-teacher conferences, and arrange for school-related field trips or other activities.  On occasion, staff members may have to remain in the AmeriKids facility after school hours in order to perform school-related activities.

 Professional Development

 Staff members are required to participate in educational opportunities geared toward enhancing their professional development. They may choose to attend conferences, workshops, seminars or college classes to gain new skills, refresh existing skills, meet with peers, etc.

 The AmeriKids Preschool may fund the membership of the Teacher to a Board-approved professional organization. The Board also funds the school's subscription to magazines for early childhood educators.  CPR and First Aid training are available to all staff members once per year.


        Written evaluation of all employees shall be required.  This evaluation shall provide the basis for recognizing employee accomplishments, improving individual performance, and identifying professional growth activities.  Evaluation shall be used, along with other factors, in decisions regarding promotions, terminations, or continuation of employment.

 Social Security, Philhealth, and Pag-IBIG Benefits

        In addition to receiving salary payments, teachers will employer contributions for the Philippines Social Security, Philhealth (the National Health Insurance Program), and the Pag-IBIG Fund (Republic Act No. 7742 – “Home Development Mutual Fund Law of 1980) in the amounts required by law.  The employees are responsible for making Social Security, Philhealth, and Pag-IBIG payment arrangements him/herself and must submit receipts to the Treasurer indicating that the payments were made. 

Health Insurance

        In addition to contributing to Philhealth, or the National Health Insurance Program, the Board of Directors offers its teachers access to private health insurance.  The Board will pay a percentage of the annual premium for a Board-approved private health insurance plan.   


       Teachers are entitled to personal leave each school year.  Teachers should refer to their contracts for the exact number of days to which they are entitled.  Compensation for leave in excess of the amount stated in the contract must be negotiated with and approved by the Board of Directors. 

 Salary Increases

        In order to keep teachers’ salaries competitive with the market, the Board of Directors will make every effort to afford teachers with annual salary increases, prior to the first day of each new school year.  Raises will be based on multiple factors including economic conditions, merit, or the Board’s ability to pay, annual cost of living increases, employee seniority, and performance evaluation information.


       Teachers will be reimbursed for their meals purchased at the American Recreation Club restaurant when they take the children out to eat for their monthly “Club Lunch”.  The spending limit is 500 pesos to include the meals for all three teachers one time per month only.  Receipts are required for reimbursement.


       In the event that either the Board of Directors or a teacher wishes to terminate the Contract for Teaching Services prior to the contract’s expiration date, either the Board or the teacher will provide at least one month’s written notice prior to the date of desired termination.  Should the Board terminate the Contract for Teaching Services, the teacher(s) will be given the equivalent of two weeks of pay, unless such termination is due to a teacher’s breach of his or her responsibilities under the Contract for Teaching Services, in which case no pay or notice will be given.
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          Due to liability issues and a host of other reasons, only children who are officially enrolled at AmeriKids Preschool may attend the school.  Children who are not currently enrolled are welcome to join us during our period of free-play from 8:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m., however, drop-ins are not permitted to join the daily program. 
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Web Publishing
          The Parent Board of Directors publishes a variety of information about AmeriKids Preschool and
its program on the World Wide Web (WWW).  Included on the school's web page are links which proudly feature our student's work and educational activities and may include the use of a child's name, a photograph of a child, and/or a sample of his or her school word.  Listed below are the goals and policies which guide our web page publishing practices. 

  1. To enhance school-to-home communication;
  2. To showcase student learning;
  3. To recognize student achievement.
  1. Student work published on the WWW must support the school's educational goals, objectives, activities and curriculum guidelines and will only be included with written parental consent;
  2. Each school year, a specific webmaster will be identified within the Parent Board of Directors.  He or she will be responsible for authoring and regularly maintaining the school's web site content and information;
  3. Photographs of students will only be included with written parental consent;
  4. First names of students will only be included with written parental consent;
  5. Personal information will never be included (phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, last names, etc.).
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