Board of Directors


CrayonbuttonBoard Meetings
CrayonbuttonRoles and Responsibilities of the Chair and Co-Chair
CrayonbuttonRights and Removal
CrayonbuttonRoles and Responsibilities of the Secretary
CrayonbuttonTimeline of Activities
CrayonbuttonRoles and Responsibilities of the Treasurer CrayonbuttonCommittees
CrayonbuttonRoles and Responsibilities of the Teacher CrayonbuttonProgram Evaluation

          The AmeriKids Preschool is directed by an elected parent Board of four members (Chair, Co-Chair,  Secretary, and Treasurer).  The Board of Directors is directly responsible for the operation of the preschool and must be comprised of American citizens, employed by the United States Federal Government, and assigned a tour of duty at the United States Embassy in Manila, Philippines, or their spouses.

Board Meetings
          The Board of Directors shall hold its meetings at least once per month during the school year, at the convenience of the members of the Board.  The Board of Directors shall designate the date, place, agenda, and means for notification of the members. Except when personnel matters are being discussed, the staff and parents are invited to attend.  Other meetings may be called as needed when business exceeds the amount of time available at the scheduled meetings.  The Board may also occasionally meet in "executive session.” Notification of arrangements and proposed agenda shall be given at least 5 business days in advance of the meeting. The Chair or Co-Chair of the Board of Directors shall preside at the board meetings and business will be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

        The agenda will usually include:  reports of the school's operations and financial condition to include an annual budget and periodic review of the same; committee reports (if any); elections to fill expiring terms and vacancies on the Board of Directors; items of business as determined by the Board of Directors; and items of business as presented by the teachers or parents which are germane to a  purpose or function of the school. 

        Minutes will be recorded at every meeting.  Once final copies of the minutes have been approved by the Board, said minutes will be made public and available for review by all via e-mail.
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Roles and Responsibilities of the Chair and Co-Chair
          The Chair and Co-Chair, as chief officers of the school, are responsible to the Board of Directors, for the proper conduct of all school activities not specifically delegated to other officers.  The duties of the Chair and Co-Chair include:  scheduling and presiding at a minimum of one meeting per month; appointing all standing and special committees, subject to approval of the Board of Directors; maintaining close cooperation and compliance with official policies; supervising performance of teachers; and continuous review of policies, rules, and regulations and performance of operations to ensure propriety, adequacy and effectiveness of operations. 

      With regard to the maintenance of the classroom and its equipment, supplies, and materials, the Chair and/or Co-Chair are responsible for the following specific duties:

  1. Submitting work orders to FMO for classroom repairs and maintenance as needed;
  2. Submitting requests to the Property and Supply Office for furniture/equipment needs;
  3. soliciting regular input from teachers regarding classroom needs and updates;
  4. Purchasing new Board-approved equipment, toys, furniture, and materials for the classroom which are above and beyond those regularly purchased by the Teacher.

            With regard to health, hygiene, and safety, the Chair and/or Co-Chair are responsible for the following specific duties: 

  1.  Arranging for teachers’ annual health exams;
  2. Arranging for teachers’ first aid/CPR training as needed;
  3.  Ensuring that the classroom First Aid Kit is properly stocked;
  4.  Conducting regular classroom inspections to ensure there are no safety hazards;

    With regard to personnel, the Chair and/or Co-Chair are responsible for the following specific duties: 

  1. Presenting finalized contracts to teachers for their signature prior to the first day of school;
  2. Staying current with Philippine labor laws and requirements;
  3. Conducting interviews with job applicants as needed;
  4. Coordinating NBI clearances with employees as needed;
  5. Assisting employees with obtaining embassy badges as needed;
  6. Terminating employees as needed;
  7. Collecting badges and classroom keys from terminated employees as needed;
  8. Conducting Teacher Evaluation Conferences two times per year with each teacher;
  9. Providing teachers with copies of the Board's written evaluation reports which highlight strengths and discuss areas for development;
      With regard to committees, the Chair and/or Co-Chair are responsible for assigning and
overseeing parent-led committees for events such as fund raising, the annual Thanksgiving luncheon, Sportsfest, U.N. Day, and Year-End celebrations.

      With regard to communication, the Chair and/or Co-Chair are responsible for providing final
approval for the Calendar of Activities, Parent Handbook, Contracts for Teaching Services, and
other documents as needed.
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Roles and Responsibilities of the Secretary
          The Secretary is the official custodian of all current and archival school records, except current year financial records.  The Secretary prepares and maintains official minutes of all meetings, maintains a file of the minutes, prepares and maintains accurate enrollment information, generates and maintains records of all correspondence, issues notices of meetings, and performs such other duties as the Board of Directors may delegate.

         With regard to Board Meetings, the Secretary is responsible for the following specific duties:

  1. Generating minutes during the meeting;
  2. Distributing copies of the minutes to all Board members;
  3. Making the minutes public after they have been approved by the Board;
  4. Issuing notices of Board meetings;
  5. Generating and distributing the finalized agenda for review prior to Board meetings.
           With regard to communication, the Secretary is responsible for the following specific duties:
  1. Updating and Distributing the Parent Contact List,  Calendar of Activities, Parent Handbook, and   AmeriKids Preschool Policies and Procedures Manual in collaboration with the teachers and Board members (by the first day of school and then on an as-needed basis);
  2. Generating a variety of correspondence as needed including letters to request donations, letters of thanks to donors, advertisements or announcements for the Jeepney Journal, memos, etc.
            With regard to personnel, the Secretary is responsible for the following duties:

  1. Updating teacher contracts in collaboration with the Board prior to the beginning of the school year and as needed;
  2. Updating the teacher and program evaluation forms as needed;
  3. Maintaining records of teacher and program evaluation information;
  4. Soliciting teacher and program evaluation information from parents, including Board members, two times per year via paper questionnaires, e-mail questionnaires, or by conducting telephone interviews;
  5. Generating an evaluation report for each teacher and for the program as a whole two times per year;
  6. Submitting teacher evaluation reports and program evaluation reports to the Board for discussion and review.

         With regard to record keeping, the Secretary is responsible for maintaining copies of all correspondence as well as copies of important information such as the teachers’ health exam records, the  teachers’ CPR and First Aid training certification, the teachers’ signed contracts, etc.

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Roles and Responsibilities of the Treasurer
          The Treasurer, as chief financial officer of the association, is responsible to the Board of Directors for all matters pertaining to or affecting the financial condition of the school.  The duties of the Treasurer shall include maintenance or oversight of all accounting, bank, cost, stock, inventory, and other related records affecting financial matters, except such records as the Board of Directors may designate an accountant to maintain; custody or control of all funds; examination and approval of all disbursement of funds; establishment and maintenance of banking arrangements; promulgation of a Board approved spending limit for the teachers and board members; execution of credit and other financial policies; and performance of such other duties the Board of Directors may delegate.

         With regard to personnel, the Treasurer is responsible for paying the teachers’ salaries, Social Security, Pag-IBIG, Philhealth contributions, and private Board-approved health insurance premium payments as outlined in the teachers’ current signed contracts.  The Treasurer also provides reimbursement for Board-approved supplies and school related expenses.

       With regard to the budget, the Treasurer is responsible for the following specific duties: 

  1. Generating a budget for the upcoming school year based on an analysis of past spending and projected income and expenses;
  2. Maintaining records of all transactions for all bank accounts as well as petty cash accounts (pesos and dollars) using a Board-approved financial software program;
  3. Generating monthly and annual Account Statements to be presented at each board meeting.  Account Statements should be provided for all bank accounts, as well as petty cash accounts (pesos and dollars).  Account Statements should include a record of incoming and outgoing receipts summarized by category as well as updated balances;
  4. Collecting registration fees, deposit payments, monthly tuition payments, and late fees and issuing written receipts for each.
            With regard to Board meetings, the Treasurer is responsible for the following specific duties: 

  1. Providing each board member with a copy of the Updated Budget as needed;
  2. Providing each board member with a copy of the Account Statements.
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Roles and Responsibilities of the Teacher

The Teacher is responsible for the daily operation of the school, serving as a resource to parents and staff, and planning programs.  The Teacher will report to the Board at meetings on the current status of the school.  The Board meeting is also the forum in which the teaching staff should present requests and suggestions regarding policy changes and/or personnel issues. 

            It is expected that the Teacher will inform the Board of Directors of any problems as they
occur regardless of the length of time until the next meeting.
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          The names of potential new members of the Board of Directors should be gathered in February of any given year in order for appointments to be made by the March meeting.  While terms begin in April, March is usually used as a transition meeting with both outgoing and incoming members in attendance.  It is recognized that it occasionally may not be feasible to maintain the exact composition as outlined above, although, every effort should be made to do so.
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Rights and Removal
          Members are expected to attend meetings and participate in committees.  In order to remove a member a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors will be required.  These votes would normally only be taken in the event of failure to attend three of four consecutive meetings or gross failure to perform duties or assigned tasks.
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Timeline of Activities
Due to the nature of the academic schedule, certain topics have a natural place on the calendar. A
partial list of these is as follows:


    1. Incoming/Outgoing Board member Transition Meeting

  1. The new Board of Directors takes over…Welcome!
  2. Make plans for recognizing Teacher Appreciation Week (first week of May)
  3. Make plans for recognizing Teachers’ birthdays
  1. Teacher Appreciation Week (first week of May)
  2. Preliminary discussion of next year's budget/fee proposals
  3. Preliminary discussion of next year's school goals
  4. Conduct Teacher Evaluations
  5. Conduct Program Evaluations
  6. Review evaluation data and make improvement plans if needed

  1. Finalize next year’s budget and fees
  2. Finalize next year’s school goals
  3. Teachers complete and pass an annual health exams
  4. Sign Contracts for Teaching Services before school starts
  5. Make arrangements for teachers’ CPR and First Aid re-certification as needed
  6. Inspect the classroom for readiness
  7. Pay annual Clements Liability Insurance premium when due


  1. Request necessary repairs, modifications and/or updates to the classroom and/or its    equipment, supplies, and/or materials
  2. Complete necessary repairs, modifications and/or updates to the classroom and/or its equipment, supplies and/or materials
  3. Update and finalize the school’s Calendar of Activities, Parent Handbook, AmeriKids Preschool Policies and Procedures Manual, and Parent Contact List and have ready to send home with students on the first day of school
  4. Submit Advertisement to the Jeepney Journal announcing the start date of school, admission requirements, and contact information
  5. Clemments Insurance Premium is due
  6. Teachers’ Caritas Health Insurance Premium is due


  1. Conduct additional inspection of the classroom to ensure all repairs are complete and the teachers are prepared for school to start
  2. The Treasurer should issue an e-memo to all parents of enrolled students to explain the tuition and fee structure
  3. The Teacher should issue an e-memo to all parents of enrolled students to welcome them and their children to the AmeriKids Preschool program, introduce the members of the Board of Directors, and provide any other necessary information
  4. Make plans for Open House


  1. Make plans for the teachers’ professional development activities
  2. Open House
  3. Recruit volunteers for necessary fundraising and refreshment committees


  1. Reorder professional magazine subscriptions as needed
  2. Initiate fundraising activities
  3. Schedule professional photographer for November class photos
  4. Send home photo announcement to parents


  1. Professional class and individual photos are taken
  2. Conduct Teacher Evaluations
  3. Conduct Program Evaluations
  December - Happy Holidays!


    1. Review Evaluation Information and Develop Improvement Plans if Needed
    1. Recruit new Board members
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          Sub-committees of the Board of Directors are formed as needed.  Parents are encouraged to serve according to their interests and expertise.  Membership of committees is quite flexible; however, the Teacher and a Board member are required.  Volunteers from any source are gratefully received.  Committees will meet as needed.
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Program Evaluation
          The Board of Directors will conduct at least one program evaluation per year in order to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of the program and to specify goals for the year.  Parents,
staff, and other professionals will participate in the annual evaluation to determine the program’s effectiveness in meeting the needs of children and their families as well as the program’s ability to
recruit and retain quality staff.
 If, through the evaluation process, areas of improvement are apparent, the Board of Directors will develop a program improvement plan or a framework for systematic program improvement.  The new steps the school will take toward improving the quality of care and education will be identified.       
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