Special Events


CrayonbuttonOpen House
CrayonbuttonCaroling CrayonbuttonFamily Field Trip
CrayonbuttonU.N. Program
CrayonbuttonSportsfest CrayonbuttonClub Lunch
CrayonbuttonThanksgiving Luncheon
CrayonbuttonPainting with Mom & Dad


Open House

         This fun event is just for the moms and dads.  It is held two times per year, in the evening, and
usually from
5 to 6 pm.  After a light snack, the grownups have an opportunity to meet and greet one
another as well as ask the teachers or board members any questions they might have about the school’s
program.  Volunteers might also be recruited for various committees needed throughout the year.

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U.N. Program 

        This exciting event is held during the school day at lunchtime and usually lasts about one hour. 
The children  put on an adorable presentation of songs and dances wearing costumes from around the
world which is then followed by dancing and game playing with Mom and Dad.  The occasion is topped
off with a delicious buffet style luncheon.

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 Thanksgiving Luncheon 

        This is the family event during which the students not only gives thanks for their many blessings,
but also give of themselves to a group of children less fortunate.  This year a group of children from a
local orphanage were invited to play at our school as well as share in the bountiful potluck meal:  a succulent
turkey and scrumptious trimmings.  The families were also encouraged to bring with them a selection of
clothes and toys to donate to the orphanage. 

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        During this fun event, the moms and dads are invited to join the children as they sing their hearts
out to the residents of a few selected homes on the Seafront Compound.  Although the caroling takes place
during the school day and the tropical heat prevents them from wearing the customary scarves and mittens,
the children do deliver tons of good cheer and holiday spirit.  Of course, caroling wouldn’t be complete
without refreshments!

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        This event is a favorite among the AmeriKids families.  Held on a Saturday morning, to ensure strong
parent turn-out, everyone gets involved in both school and team spirit.  The games take place on the ball-
field at the Seafront Compound where the moms, dads, and children are divided into two teams:  Red and
Blue.  After an Olympic-style run around the field with a “torch” and a few opening remarks on good sportsmanship, each team is coached by the Teachers to compete in a variety of games.  In the end, every
child takes home 1st or 2nd place ribbon as well as a handful of wonderful memories.   

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 Painting with Mom and Dad

        Also a favorite among the AmeriKids families, this event is held during the school day and lasts approximately one hour.  During this time, everyone gets their creative juices flowing:  smocks are
recommended.  In the past, families have been able to use fabric paint to design their own place mats or
use the old favorite stand-by:  finger paint.  Many choose water colors while just about every child takes
part in the face painting.   

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Family Field Trip

        The Family Field Trip is an all-day event and it takes place on a Friday in order to avoid the crowds
and security issues one might find at Storyland during the weekend.  There, families will be able to ice skate
or ride roller coasters…or both!  A fun time is guaranteed to be had by all.

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 Club Lunch

        Once every month the teachers take the students for a short walk across the Seafront Compound
to the American Recreation Club restaurant.  This is the time and place where the children get to use
their well-practiced table manners.  They also get to choose a delicious meal from the children’s menu: 
perhaps a hot dog with fries, chicken strips, or maybe spaghetti with meat sauce accompanied by a tall
glass of ice cold mango juice and polished off with a small scoop of ice cream.

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        Every month the class takes a trip to someplace new and different.  One month the teachers and
the students were invited to visit the FPO located on the Seafront Compound where they got to witness
the process that boxes and letters go through when they arrive at the post office.  Another month, the
class took with them a basket of goodies and visited all of the guards on the Seafront Compound to
distribute their treats and say, “thank you for all you do to protect us.”  Recently, the children enjoyed decorating homemade cookies with frosting and sprinkles at the home of one of our AmeriKids families
residing here on the Seafront Compound.  Every month offers a new opportunity to try something fun and

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